Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Girls Room Curtains In Basic Training To Girls Shower In The Same Room Or Do They Have Separate Stalls?

In basic training to girls shower in the same room or do they have separate stalls? - girls room curtains

I just wonder, because the boys in the same room without curtains or stalls.didnt belongs, whether it be the same for girls.


lisalau said...

in an open space, everyone can see each other

Pandora said...

No. open showers. get over it pretty quickly because it is dirty and I really wanted a shower, so they do not care. This is the first time a shower in front of people ...

Ask your friend about NTC and the bathhouse. They are the same. And some districts are good. Anyway, once you get into the armed forces, keep a sense of calm, but spent most surprised with other naked women, which is to see how to ... eh whatever.

charles.... said...

If you were at war with an enemy unit and aerosols agent that penetrates clothing, enter your body through the pores, their clothes and hop into a cab that is available is cracked? Or are you ashamed to remove his clothes and he was dying. I know I would. I'm naked at the time was not significant. Survival. Well, take your shower and get dressed! Please note that our differences, and there is nothing to be ashamed of.

dvk1313 said...

I'm not a girl or OWA, but I've heard that the shower in an open field. I personally think this is done to save money, to promote team work (the idea is to feel comfortable with their colleagues in any situation), and authorize the ID of an eye on all at once, without perspective, without any restriction. That's just my two cents, and may change in the future / I think I could be wrong.

adi_wix said...

I'm not a soldier, but I went to many military camps and most of them have separate showers some old custom fields, but most recently

gijason1... said...

yes! And my friend had sex in the shower! I joke that I do get down in the damp fog.

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