Sunday, December 20, 2009

Payday Board Game What Are Some Good Board Games To Play With My Wife?

What are some good board games to play with my wife? - payday board game

My wife and I are looking for a good selection of games for two people. Many games like the track, it will take at least three people. We only have she and I played Sorry, life, wage and Scrabble, but now need new games.



CF said...

Carcassonne: Hunters and gatherers is a great game for two players. It can seriously play, or you can play, such as "light" of the game just for fun.

It's fun, even with 3, 4 or five, but I think it works better with two or three.

Board Game Geek also think is a good place to find lots of information about the games.

marconpr... said...

There are many board games and card games are great for two people. Seven years and a half, and double-Solitaire is a very funny and can be played with both hands easily lay be. Parcheesi is good with both, but best with four. Chinese Checkers is good with both, and strategy games like Chess, Go, and the normal women are funny. If you have a very distorted sense, you can play the game by Steve Jackson, Nightmare chess (see the site is so rare!) With chess and cards, to change the rules of chess regularly for all sorts of strange ways. It's played a video on my space just a nightmare of live-action game of chess in Marcon science fiction convention this year, try to catch it with the times.

emmasnw said...

You can use the rules of Scrabble.

It is a good article in full Scrabble:

Advanced Scrabble - ...

Scrabble rules - ...

Tips to turn your game Scrabble - ...


sharon j said...

A game of May came in July and August as a lover Trivia.You contact me to say on the whole of July and that you game.It SA to buy the game you can play together can put you both communicate your feelings e-mail me love. Please

Upkeep said...

Carcassonne is a fun game that can be played with 2 players.

is a comprehensive source for information about the games.

ryssee said...

I like playing Yahtzee with someone willing to play against me! My friend and I got some dominoes that are really fun. Not really games, but both are good classic games.

Nick P said...

My wife and I enjoy playing backgammon together. We keep it fresh, by three different versions. The risk is greater if more people, but there are special rules for two players.

cuddlebu... said...

If I play his wife and U Got the game for fun or, and they spice up the marriage Travle orgasmic fun calling yall

Lance Silver said...

Try scene, different in many films, music and sports. A DVD player and you will have to though.

Lauren said...

My favorite players are two master-mind and Mancala.

K C said...

If you have 2 people playing, by written or boxers.

AZN Dude said...

Monopoly. Poker

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