Monday, February 1, 2010

How Do Calculate Football Boxes In Yahoo Fantasy Football, How Does The Bonus Offense Section Work? How Does It Calculate Points?

In Yahoo fantasy football, how does the Bonus Offense section work? How does it calculate points? - how do calculate football boxes

It is an "attack bonus" section over, noise, and you will get with Bonus 1 Bonus 2 Bonus 3 for each section. How it works and how to calculate the points?


chili_ea... said...

I played football in Yahoo Fantasty for several years, and I have no idea what they are talking about:)

I ask you commishioner.

Sometimes, after the games with more than a player gets a star next to your points, with extra points for a face?

Should the points be calculated, but the league is to create ... Ask your commissioner.

Luke said...

I do not know, but it could be like 1 point a game 100 yards, 2 points for a game of 200 yards, 1 point for yard passing game to 300, 2 points for a game of 500 yards start happening .. . that all I could think is ...

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